How to get in touch
8062 Kumberg
Company profile
ICS ENERGIETECHNIK is working for 30 years in the planning and realization of biomass energy plants for industrial and commercial customers. Due to the many years of experience in plant construction and plant operation, customer-specific solutions for many different fuels and applications can be realized.
More than 80 projects have already been successfully implemented across Europe in the following areas:
- Heat and power plants (CHP)
- Hot air generation for drying plants
- Process steam plants
- District heating plants with heating nets
Different operating models as well as financing and contracting possibilities complete the comprehensive portfolio.
Business opportunities
Hot air generation from biomass
Innovative energy supply for drying plants
ICS supplies plants for the generation of hot air from biomass and wood residues in the output range of 1-15 MW. With this innovative technology, almost all drying systems available on the market (agricultural dryers, belt dryers, food dryers, etc.) can be supplied with clean and cost-effective hot air.
By using regional biomass instead of expensive fossil fuels, the drying costs and also the CO2 emissions of the customers are reduced many times over. ICS is looking for customers and sales partners.