Stadlober GmbH
How to get in touch
8753 Fohnsdorf
Company profile
Stadlober GmbH is a company with decades of experience in the fuel trade and now specializes in service and consulting services in the field of wood pellets.
With more than 20 years’ experience in the storage, logistics and quality assurance of wood pellets as well as is active participation, from the outset, in the design of the market and the technical framework conditions, Stadlober GmbH is in a position to assist emerging markets for wood pellets for space heating with regard to appropriate structures.
Business opportunities
Wood pellets
Advice on logistics and storage systems; trading
Stadlober GmbH is an international trading company for wood pellets with almost 30 years of experience with this product.
Stadlober seeks customers in Greece (wholesalers), but is equally looking for new producers of wood pellets, where Stadlober can act as their customer.