
Facts and Figures - Health Infrastructure & Institutions

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Based on some selected data, find out here about the importance of the health system & facilities industry.
  • 264  


    In 2023, there were 264 hospitals in Austria.

  • 1,426


    In 2023, there were 1,426 public pharmacies in Austria; these were supplemented by hospital pharmacies and dispensaries. 

  • 52,280

    million euros in health expenditure

    In 2023, there was ongoing health expenditure of more than EUR 52 billion.

  • 10.9%

    health expenditure share of GDP

    In 2023, the share of health expenditure in GDP was 10.9%.

Source: Statistics Austria, health expenditure
Key data on the Austrian health system (2023)
Hospitals 264
Public pharmacies 1,426
Ongoing health expenditure EUR 52,280 million
Share of ongoing health expenditure in GDP 10.9%
Source: Trend Top 500
The ten largest companies of the health infrastructure sector in Austria by net revenue in Mio. Euro (2023)
1. Wiener Gesundheitsverbund 3,904.00
2. NÖ Landesgesundheitsagentur 2,564.00
3. Vamed AG 2,356.00
4. Oberösterreichische Gesundheitsholding GmbH (OÖG)  1,430.00
5. Steiermärkische Krankenanstalten GmbH (Kages)  1.392.30
6. Vinzenz Gruppe Krankenhausbeteiligungs- und Management GmbH  1.220.00
7. Tirol Kliniken GmbH 740.00
8. Gemeinnützige Salzburger Landeskliniken BetriebsGmbH 632.80
9. Landeskrankenanstalten-Betriebsges. - Kabeg  539.90
10. Vorarlberger Krankenhaus-BetriebsGmbH 508.20

Last update : 30 September 2024