- 74,291
In 2023, the electrical and electronics industry employed 74,291 people.
- 24.6
billion euros in production
The total value of the sold products of the Austrian electrical and electronics industry was EUR 24.6 billion in 2023.
- 19.8
billion euros in exports
In 2023, the sector’s export volume was EUR 19.8 billion.
- 9.0%
export percentage
The export percentage of electrical engineering and electronic products was 9.0% in 2023.
Facts and Figures - Electrics / Electronics / Mechatronics
Standard Content Module
Electrical and Electronics Industries (EEI) - Key figures 2023 | |
Workforce | 74,291 |
Production sold | EUR 24.6 billion |
Export value | EUR 19.8 billion |
EEI share of Austria’s total exports (in %) | 9.0 % |
Overview of the production-breakdown by sectors | 2021 | 2022 | 2020 |
Motors, generators and transformers | 11.3 % | 11.0 % | 10.7 % |
Electricity distribution and control apparatus | 12.0 % | 13.0 % | 13.5 % |
Components and parts for the automobile industry | 3.8 % | 4.3 % | 4.8 % |
The 10 largest companies of the Austrian electrical and electronic industry by net turnover in million euro (2023) | ||
1. | Infineon Technologies Austria AG | 5,604.20 |
2. | ams-Osram AG | 3,590.00 |
3. | Fronius International GmbH | 1,595.00 |
4. | AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG | 1,549.80 |
5. | Siemens AG Österreich | 1,411.00 |
6. | Zumtobel Group AG | 1,209.20 |
7. | Gebauer & Griller Kabelwerke GmbH (GG Group) | 654.00 |
8. | Keba Group AG | 564.00 |
9. | Melecs Holding GmbH | 513.20 |
10. | IMS Nanofabrication GmbH | 500.00 |
Last update : 2024-07-22