
Facts and Figures - Renewable Energy

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Renewable energies are the economic engine of the future worldwide. Here you can find selected data on Austria’s renewable energy sector.
  • 16,599


    In 2023, the bio fuels sector employed 16,599 people.

  • 124.8

    million euros in turnover in solar thermal energy

    In 2023, total turnover of the solar thermal energy sector amounted to EUR 124.8 million.

  • 1,426

    wind turbines

    In 2023, 1,426 wind turbines were in operation in Austria.

  • 30.4%

    percentage of hydro power

    The percentage of hydro power in renewable energies was 30.4% in 2023.


Biomass, solar and heat pump sector

Source: Innovative energy technologies in Austria. Market development 2024. Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology
Biogenic fuel sector 2023 
Fulltime jobs approx. 16,599
Total revenue (in Euro)2.5 bn
Reduction of CO2-emission achieved due to the use
of biogenic fuels in Austria (in metric tons)
approx. 8.8 m
Source: Innovative energy technologies in Austria. Market development 2024. Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology
Biomass heating systems (boilers and furnaces) 2023 
Fulltime jobsapprox. 5,220
Total revenue (in Euro)1,553 m
Export quotaapprox. 80-85 %
Source: Innovative energy technologies in Austria. Market development 2024. Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology
Photovoltaic sector 2023 
Fulltime jobsapprox. 12,983
Reduction of CO2-emission achieved due to the use of
photovoltaic technology in Austria (in metric tons)
Source: Innovative energy technologies in Austria. Market development 2024. Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology
Solar thermal sector 2023 
Fulltime jobsapprox. 900
Total revenue (in Euro)approx. 124.8 m
Export quota95 %
Reduction of CO2-emission achieved due to the use
of solar collectors in Austria (in metric tons)
Source: Innovative energy technologies in Austria. Market development 2024. Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology
Heat pump sector 2023 
Fulltime jobsapprox. 2,715
Total revenue (in Euro)approx. 1,568 m
Export quotaapprox. 28.8 %
Reduction of CO2-emission achieved due to the
use of heat pumps in Austria (in metric tons)

Hydro power and wind power in Austria

Source: Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology. Energy in Austria 2024
Hydro power in 2023
Percentage of the primary energy generation 26.6%
Percentage of renewable energies 30.4%
Source: IG Wind Power, Wind Power in Austria 2023
Wind power in 2023
Number of wind power plants1,426
Total output 3,885   MW
Generation of wind power per year 9 billion kWh
Saved CO2 4.5 million tons
Jobs  approx. 6,000

Last update : 2024-10-07