- 176
minutes/day TV usage time
In 2023, Austrians spent an average of 176 minutes a day in front of the television.
- 100
tv stations
Austrian households can receive an average of 100 stations, of which 80 are in German.
- 3.6
billion euros in turnover
The book and publishing sector generates 3.6 billion euros in turnover and is thus the third largest sector in the Austrian creative industry.
- 1.2
billion euros in exports
The Austrian advertising industry generates around 1.2 billion euros in exports.
Facts and Figures - Publishing / Media / Advertising
Standard Content Module
Circulation of the largest daily newspapers (Mon-Sat), 2023 | |||||
Newspaper | Der Standard | Die Presse | Kleine Zeitung | Krone gesamt | Kurier |
Print circulation | 54,212 | 51,200 | 229,077 | 583,939 | 113,241 |
Sold circulation | 54,517 | 64,742 | 255,892 | 559,439 | 104,790 |
Market shares of the leading TV stations in 2023 | |
ORF2 | 21,0 % |
ORF 1 | 9,5 % |
ZDF | 4,6 % |
ServusTV | 4,3 % |
VOX | 3,5 % |
RTL | 3,3 % |
ARD | 3,2 % |
ATV | 2,8 % |
PULS4 | 2,6 % |
SAT1 | 2,6 % |
PRO7 | 2,4 % |
Last update : 2024-06-24