
Facts and Figures - Life Sciences & Pharmaceuticals

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Here you can find selected data on the importance of the Austrian Life Sciences and Pharmaceutical industry.
  • 18,000


    In 2021, approx. 18,000 people were employed in the Austrian pharmaceutical industry.

  • 13.2 

    pharmaceutical quota

    The percentage of expenditure on pharmaceuticals in the overall expenditure in the health sector was 13.2% in 2022.

  • 151


    There were 151 companies operating in the Austrian biotechnology sector in 2020.

  • 416.1

    million euros in turnover

    Biotechnology companies generated a turnover of approx. EUR 416.1 million in 2020.

Source: Pharmig. Assocication of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Industry. Facts & Figures 2024
Pharmaceutical industry in Austria - key data 2022
Staffapprox. 18,000
Companies (manufacturers and importers)120
Production in million Euro1,453
Imports in million Euro12,599
Exports in million Euro 13,735
Source: Trend Top 500
The ten largest companies of the life science and pharma sector in Austria by net revenue in Mio. Euro (2023)
1. Boehringer Ingelheim RCV GmbH & Co KG  2,445.60
2. Herba Chemosan Apotheker-AG  1,835.40
3. Novartis Austria 1,426.00
4. Sandoz GmbH 847.00
5. Takeda Manufacturing Austria AG (vormals: Baxter AG) 753.00
6. Chemo AG 640.00
7. Phoenix Arzneiwarengroßhandlung GmbH 525.40
8. Jacoby Holding GmbH 485.00
9. Octapharma Pharmazeutika ProduktionsGmbH 356.00
10. Merck Sharp & Dohme GmbH (MSD) 327.60
Source: Life Science Report Austria 2021
Biotechnology industry in Austria – key data 2020
Staffapprox. 2,300
Companiesapprox. 151
Production in million Euroapprox. 416.1

Last update : 2024-08-26