
Facts and Figures - Music / Film / Entertainment

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Based on some selected data, find out here about the importance of the music/film/entertainment industry
  • 1,925

    film screenings

    There were a total of around 1,925 film screenings at Austrian film festivals in 2022.

  • 3,782


    There are around 3,782 companies in the Austrian film industry.

  • 865


    The Vienna State Opera performs 865 shows (2022/2023) per season.

  • 117,000


    With 117,000 employees and annual added value of EUR 7.5 billion, the Austrian music industry is one of the ten most important economic sectors in Austria.


Source:Austrian Film Institute, Report on the Film Industry 2023
Austrian film industry in 2022
Cinemas 137
Visits to the cinema 5.25 million
Cinema films 415
Premieres of European films 229
Premieres of American films 79
Premieres of Austrian films 34
Market share of Austrian films 6.5%
Companies in total 3,782
Employees on a yearly average 9,409
Proceeds and income (2021, cumulative) EUR 1,372 million
Source: Association of the Austrian Music Industry – IFPI Austria, Austrian Music Market 2024
Austrian music market in 2023  
Format Turnover
in EUR
Market share of the
music formats in %
Music streams 167.6 million 82.6%
CDs 17.8 million 8.8%
Music downloads 3.7 million 1.8%
Vinyl records 12.3 million 6.1%
Music DVDs 1.4 million 0.7%
LSG licensing income 32.5 million -
Total: 237.2 million 100%

Last update : 2024.10.28