
Facts and Figures - Agriculture

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Get a brief overview of Austria’s agricultural sector with these facts and figures.
  • 7,000


    Around 7,000 people are employed in the agricultural technology sector.

  • 154,953

    agricultural and forestry enterprises

    In Austria’s small-scale agricultural and forestry sector, there are around 155,000 enterprises.

  • 23.1%

    percentage of organic enterprises

    23.1% of the enterprises in Austria carry out organic farming.

  • 16.66

    billion euros in exports

    The export volume of agriculture was EUR 16.66 billion in 2023.

Source: Association of Metaltechnology Industries
Agricultural technology - Key data 2023
Companies 33
Staff approx. 7.000
Revenues EUR 4.100 million
Export  EUR 2.600 million
Source: Statistics Austria, AMA-Marketing
Total agricultural foreign trade 2023
Exports  EUR 16.66 billion (+3.1 %)
Imports EUR 17.37 billion (+7.1 %)
Source: Statistics Austria
Structure of agricultural holdings 2020
Number of agriculture and forestry operations154.953
Number of main holdings55.875
Number of subsidiary holdings 88.433
Number of mountain farming operations 54.182
Gross Added Value Austrian agriculture at cost prices (2023) EUR 4.4 billion
Agriculture and forestry workforce420.018

Last update : 2025-01-14