
Facts and Figures - Sports / Leisure

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Here are a few facts and figures about the Austrian industry: Sports/Leisure
  • 1,653

    tourist guides

    In 2023, 1,653 people accredited tourists guides led tourists around Austria’s towns and cities.

  • 13.1%

    share of GDP

    Direct and indirect added value of the tourism and leisure industry accounted for 13.1% of Austrian GDP in 2022.

  • 46,360

    food service businesses

    The Tourism and Leisure Industry division of the WKÖ had 46,360 food service enterprises in 2023.

  • 80%

    export quota

    The export quota of the Austrian skiing industry was more than 80%.


Source: WKO, Tourism and Leisure Industry federal division
Companies of the Austrian tourism and leisure industry in 2023
Food service enterprises 46,360
Leisure and sports enterprises 21,646
Hotel establishments 18,128
Cinema, cultural and amusement facilities 2,475
Travel agencies 2,334
Health sector businesses 2,182
Source: SpEA SportsEconAustria,  Das SportAustria-DATENVADEMECUM Edition 13 I December 2023 
Sport defined in economic terms Persons employedGross value added in EUR million
Statistical definition: sporting activities
(including the operation of sports facilities and other services)
approx. 22,860approx. 1,222 
Narrow definition: All activities which are inputs to sport
(i.e. all goods and services necessary for doing sport (trade and production of sporting goods) plus the Statistical Definition
approx. 109,641approx. 6,812 
Broad definition: All activities which require sport as an input (i.e. all goods and services related to a sport activity but without eing necessary for doing sport) plus the Narrow Definitionapprox. 353,794approx. 22,207
Source: Trend Top 500
The largest companies of the Austrian sports/leisure sector by net revenue in million euro (2023)  
Austria Puma Dassler GmbH 1,626.20
Intersport Österreich eGen. 800.00
Head Sport GmbH  450.80
KTM Fahrrad GmbH  450.00
Hervis Sport- und Mode GmbH 425.00
 Zentrasport Österreich eGen. (Sport 2000)  420.00
Intersport Austria GmbH 393.00

Last update : 2024-09-30