- 493
number of banks
In 2022, there were 493 banks in Austria.
- 9.2%
savings quota
In 2022, the savings quota was 9.2% of the nominal available household income.
- 2,715
residents per bank branch in Austria
2,715 residents share a bank branch in Austria.
- 26,905
In 2022, Austria’s insurance companies employed around 27,000 people.
Facts and Figures - Banking / Insurance
Standard Content Module
Austrian banks – Key data for 2022 | |
Period result | EUR 10.2 billion |
Net interest income | EUR 10.6 billion |
Total capital ratio in % of risk-weighted assets | 19.2 % |
Current account surplus of Austrian banks (share of GDP) | 0.7 % |
Austria’s TOP banks, ordered according to balance sheet total in EUR million (2023) | |
Erste Group Bank AG | 373.155,00 |
Raiffeisen Bank International | 198.241,00 |
UniCredit Bank Austria AG | 102.745,00 |
BAWAG Group AG | 55.448,00 |
Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich AG | 47.838,40 |
Raiffeisenlandesbank NÖ-Wien AG | 35.078,80 |
Oberbank AG | 27.834,50 |
Steiermärkische Bank und Sparkassen AG | 21.294,00 |
Raiffeisen-Landesbank Steiermark AG | 17.114,20 |
Hypo Vorarlberg Bank AG | 15.726,50 |
Austrian insurances – Key data for 2023 | |
Premiums in EUR million | 20,339 |
Life insurances | 5,135 |
Health insurances | 2,816 |
Indemnity/accident insurances | 12,388 |
Benefits in EUR million | 17,641 |
Life insurances | 7,265 |
Health insurances | 2,387 |
Indemnity/accident insurances | 7,989 |
Austria’s TOP insurance companies, ordered according to volume of earned premiums in EUR million (2023) | |
Vienna Insurance Group AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe (VIG) | 13,784.00 |
Uniqa InsuranceGroup AG | 7,185.60 |
Generali Versicherung AG | 2,705.56 |
Allianz Österreich | 1,705.40 |
Grawe Group (Grawe - Vermögensverwaltung) | 1.267.61 |
Ergo Versicherung AG | 622.03 |
Merkur Versicherung AG | 617.11 |
Helvetia Versicherungen AG | 479.30 |
Oberösterreichische Versicherung AG | 414.20 |
Zürich Versicherung AG | 400.84 |
Last update : 2024-07-09