
Facts and Figures - Maritime Industries

Standard Content Module
Based on some selected data, find out here about the importance of the maritime industry.
  • 53.3

    million euros of export volume

    In 2023, Austria exported vessels and floating constructions worth EUR 53,309,000.

  • 1,900,000


    In 2023, more than 1.9 million people were transported on the Austrian section of the Danube.

  • 6.0

    million tons of goods

    In 2023, 6.0 million tons of goods were transported on the Austrian section of the Danube.

  • 57%

    imports and exports

    Europe’s ports are important for the external trade of a landlocked country like Austria. More than half of all Austrian imports and exports in 2017 were handled via Europe’s northern ports of Rotterdam, Antwerp, Hamburg, Bremen, etc.

Source: viadonau, Annual Report Danube Shipping in Austria 2023
Transport volume on the Austrian section of the Danube in 2023 (in tons)
Domestic traffic 362,904 tons
Import 2,742,020 tons
Export 2,017,661 tons
Transit 924,548 tons
Total 6,047,133 tons


Last update : October 15, 2024