
Facts and Figures - Metals / Metal processing

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Get a brief overview of Austria’s metal and metal processing industry with these facts and figures.
  • 15,601


    In 2023, 15,601 people were employed in the iron and steel industry.

  • 138.178

    tons of production volume

    In 2023, the production volume of iron and steel casting was more than 138,000 tons.

  • 21%

    export percentage

    The metal-working technology industry has an export percentage of 21% in overall Austrian foreign trade.

  • 1,200


    There were 1,200 companies in the metal-working technology industry in Austria in 2023.

Source: Association of the Metal-Working Technology Industry, Facts & Figures 2024
Metal-working technology industry – Key data for 2023
Enterprises 1,200
Employees 140,000
Turnover 48.5 billion euros
Exports 41.9 billion euros
Export quota  around 80%
Percentage of exports
in overall  Austrian foreign trade 
around 21%
Most important sales markets Germany, USA, France, Italy,  Switzerland,  China 
R&D expenditure 2.2 billion euros
Percentage of total R&D expenditure
of Austria’s industry 
Source: Austrian Mining and Steel Association.
Steel industry - key data 2021
Crude steel production7.88 million tonnes
Pig iron production6.14 million tonnes
RevenuesEUR 8,661 million
Source: Association of Metaltechnology Industries
Foundry industry - key data 2023
Production value of cast iron and cast steel 138,178 tonnes / EUR 523.4 million
Production value of non-iron cast metal132,125 tonnes / EUR 1.177,5 million
Export value of total production56.00 %
Export quota80 %
Source: Austrian Mining and Steel Association, Austrian Non-Ferrous Metals Federation.
Aluminium industry – key data 2021
Staffapprox. 4,500
RevenuesEUR 5.7 billion
Source: Trend Top 500
The 10 largest companies of the metal and metal processing industry in Austria by net turnover in  million euro (2023)
1. voestalpine AG 16,684.30
2. Blum Group Holding GmbH 2,342.20
3. Plansee Holding AG 2,280.00
4. Amag - Austria Metall AG 1,459.20
5. Montanwerke Brixlegg AG 949.40
6. Hammerer Aluminium Industries Holding GmbH (HAI) 891.60
7. Welser Profile Beteiligungs GmbH 813.00
8. Neuman Fried. v. GmbH613.50
9. Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG (SBO) 585.90
10. Alu-met GmbH400.00

Last update : October 01, 2024