
Facts and Figures - Organic Food

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Get a brief overview of Austria’s organics food sector with these facts and figures.
  • 27.4%

    organically cultivated area

    More than a quarter of the usable agricultural area was cultivated organically in 2023. In an EU comparison, Austria thus ranks first.

  • 24,450

    organic enterprises

    In 2023, there were around 24,400 organic enterprises, i.e. 23.1% of all agricultural enterprises in Austria.

  • 2,687

    million euros in turnover with organic food

    Turnover in organic food in 2022 was EUR 2,687 million, and the trend continues to be an upward one.

  • 17.2%

    organic crops

    17.2% of crops were grown organically in 2021.

Source: Agrarmarkt Austria Marketing (AMA)
Organic food in food retail in 2023
 Market share in % (based on volume) 12.3 %
Market share in % (based on value) 11,0 %
Turnover total (without bread, biscuits and pasta) 873.6 million euros
Source: Agrarmarkt Austria Marketing (AMA)
Organic shares according to classes of goods in food retail in 2023 Based on volume in % Based on value in %
Milk 25.2 % 28.3 %
Natural yoghurt20.9 %24.7 %
Eggs 12.8 % 19.2 %
Potatoes 16.2 % 20.4 %
Fresh vegetables 18.3 % 22.7 %
Fresh fruit 14.5 % 16.2 %
Butter 8.7 % 10.5 %
Cheese 8.2 % 10.3 %
Meat and poultry 3.8 % 6.9 %
Sausage and ham2.2 %3.3 %

Last update : 04. November 2024