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Austrian ICT providers are at the top of the world market with their products. The spectrum is huge, spanning from automation to app development. For example, accumulated Austrian expertise is hidden inside many smartphones: solid-state disks, NFC components and sensors. Access systems for public space, e.g. ski lifts, sports stadiums or airports, are also frequently “made in Austria”.

Austria is driving the information and communication technologies (ICT) sector forward and has developed into a top location. Many large international corporations can be found here; however, Austrian companies are also among the top-ranking companies on the global ICT markets. Intensive research in these areas of technology are supported in Austria by the public sector with funding programmes and through an attractive tax system. Around 290,000 employees, most of them highly qualified, are active in the ICT sector in Austria.


Research and development form the foundation of the success of the ICT sector. Today, the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) lists Austria among the Top 3 of the European ICT research locations. In chip production, for instance, the R&D quota is around 15 – 20%. Austria's IT companies also perform exceptionally well in the EU framework programmes.

The research carried out by companies is also aided by specific funding programmes of the public sector, for instance, via the umbrella programme "ICT of the future". A lot of ICT research is also done in centres of competence in which companies and academic facilities work on joint research programmes.


Around three quarters of Austrian companies in the ICT sector employ fewer than ten people. The largest IT provider in Austria has more than 100 branches in more than 30 countries worldwide. For more than 45 years, this company has offered professional IT services in the areas of data centres, integrated applications, business process outsourcing, banking & insurance solutions, IT consulting, industry solutions for customers at home and abroad.

A leading system provider of automated and turnkey logistics solutions is also located in Austria. Since 1969, the company has been implementing in-house logistics solutions, from small materials handling application to complex logistics centres. 

Smart and secure

The Austrian ICT industry puts a special focus on smart, future-oriented solutions. Examples of this are "Smart City Vienna" and smart mobility projects of Austrian companies. 

The global market leader for radio frequency identification (RFID) and near field communication (NFC) technologies comes from Austria. The company concentrates, among others, on applications in the field of "Smart City" and here particularly on the possibilities of traffic optimisation. Innovative semiconductor components and the respective contactless boarding and alighting systems are intended to make the use of public transport even more convenient and thus make a contribution to the topic of "Green Mobility".

Security and security requirements also play a major role in the ICT industry. In future, there will be numerous challenges here particularly for life in urban spaces. Whether transport systems, emissions, personal and data security or ensuring supply: Innovative products and services of the ICT sector are required in all areas.