
Facts and Figures - Outbound Tourism to Austria

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Here are a few facts and figures about the Austrian industry: Outbound Tourism to Austria
  • 58.7

    billion euros in added value

    The direct and indirect added value of the tourism and leisure industry was EUR 58.7 billion in 2021, i.e. around 13.1% of GDP.

  • 2,561

    euros in per capita income

    In 2023, the per capita income from tourism of the resident population in Austria was 2,561 euros.

  • 98

    million overnight stays

    There were 98 million overnight stays by guests from abroad in Austria in 2022; with that, the country ranks 7th out of 31 in Europe.

  • 4,338

    international events

    In 2023, the Austrian conference industry recorded 4,338 international congresses, conferences and seminars.

Source: Statistics Austria, Tourism
Tourism data 2023
Arrivals (domestic guests) 14.3 m
Arrivals (international guests) 30.9 m
Total arrivals45.2 m
Overnights (domestic guests) 39.9 m
Overnights (international guests) 111.3 m
Total overnights 151.2 m
Average duration of stay (overnights) 3.3
Tourism income from foreign guests (in Euro 2022) 18.47 bn
Tourism income from domestic guests (in Euro 2022) 11.91 bn


Last update : 25. June 2024