小学阶段 (Volkschule)
1) 中学低年级 (Hauptschule)
3) 中学 (Neue Mittelschule)
4) 初级学术型中学 (AHS Unterstufe)
5) 特殊学校
6) 共融教育
奥地利拥有众多高等教育机构,包括综合大学、艺术大学、应用科技大学、师范大学。学位分三类: 学士学位、硕士和博士。
二十二所综合大学(www.studienwahl.at/en) 提供了一系列的学科让学生选读。如您对音乐、戏剧、电影、纯粹艺术或应用艺术有兴趣,六所以艺术学科为主的大学为学生提供创意教育课程。奥地利的二十一所应用科技大学(德语网站www.fachhochschulen.at),亦提供多达264学位课程。
另外,奥地利的十二所私立大学(德语网站www.oepuk.ac.at) 和十四所师范大学亦提供优质的学术教育。奥地利的大专教育提供多达五百个学科供选择。大约五分之一的奥地利大学生为外地生。
一个学年一般分为两个学期,每个学期为期四至五个月。生活费计算在内,每月的支出只需大约人民币$6,000至$7,000,全因奥地利的宗旨是「既高质又实惠的教育」。若需申请日常开支的补贴,可到此资料库查询可供申请的助学金及奖学金── www.grants.at/en
在奥地利升学的人士,需申请学生身份的居留许可证。请于到奥地利前的最少三个月前办理申请手续,并附上取录通知书作证明。此外,您亦须证明有足够的财产。详情可浏览: www.bmeia.gv.at/hongkong
当地政府、私营机构及部份大学为学生提供奖学金,而这些奖学金一律由Austrian Exchange Service(OeAD - Österreichischer Austauschdienst) 管理。若您有兴趣到奥地利升学及希望了解更多有关经济支援的详情,可到以下网页查询: www.grants.at/en
公立大学(每年少于 9,000 人民币)
8 间奥地利大学与学院介绍他们的全英语授课课程
以下为 8 所学校和大学的概览:
格拉兹国际音乐学院(IMUK Graz Internationales Musikkonservatorium | www.imuk-graz.org/)
維也納新城應用科技大學 (University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt | www.fhwn.ac.at/en/)
维也纳应用科技大学(University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien | www.technikum-wien.at/en/)
弗洛伊德大学 (Sigmund Freud University | http://www.sfu.ac.at/en/)
MCI | 因斯布鲁克应用科技大学® (MCI The Entrepreneurial School® | www.mci.edu/en/) IMC
克莱姆斯应用科技大学 (IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems | www.fh-krems.ac.at/en/ )
中欧大学(Central European University | http://emba.ceu.edu/)
维也纳MODUL大学 (Modul University Vienna | http://www.modul.ac.at/)
中欧大学(Central European University | http://emba.ceu.edu/)
CEU 的EMBA课程是获得美国和欧盟认证的。该MBA由来自哈佛、耶鲁、普林斯顿、麻省理工和欧洲工商管理学院等世界顶尖大学的教师教授。它提供的 EMBA 行政工商管理硕士,为具有至少 8 年工作经验(包括 3 年领导经验)的专业人士提供的一个职业中期管理课程 , 为经验丰富的您提供一个更好的进修机会!
IMC 克莱姆斯应用科技大学 (IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems | www.fh-krems.ac.at/en/ )
位于下奥地利州地区, 距离奥地利首都只有不足一小时的火车车程; 提供英语教授的学士学位课程, 包括工商管理、出口管理、国际酒业商务、旅游业及休闲管理、应用化学、资讯学及医药生物科技; 硕士课程则有商业资讯科技、国际商业和经济跨国策略 、市场学及医药生物科技 。每年学费 13,800 至 19,000 欧元。
格拉兹国际音乐学院(IMUK Graz Internationales Musikkonservatorium | www.imuk-graz.org/)
位于奥地利第二大城市格拉 ,IMUK Graz是一所由台湾夫妇创办并获得欧盟认可的音乐学院。十多年来, 已协助不少华裔学生前往奥地利求学深造, 实现学子到奥地利实践音乐的梦想∘ 最低的入学年龄为13 岁, 申请者无须德语基础也可申请入学 ∘ 学院会为每位学生提供膳食﹑住宿及托管的服务 ∘ 学生可于最少四年时间完成课程, 并获由格拉兹音乐学院颁发的音乐文凭∘ 如学生成功考入知名的国立音乐大学并完成课程, 同时也会获发毕业文凭∘ 一年的学费和生活费大约为2万5千至3万欧元∘
MCI | 因斯布鲁克应用科技大学® (MCI The Entrepreneurial School® | www.mci.edu/en/)
设有两个全英语授课的学士课程: 商务及管理; 工商管理 (在线及面授模式)∘ 每年学费为12,500欧元(学士课程为3年), 报名费为50 欧元 (若获取录, 将在学费内扣除); 生活费约每月约600 至700欧元 。高质量的实践培训、与商业界的密切联系以及国际联网为MCI的学生提供了获得知名雇主就业的良好前景。因斯布鲁克应用科技大学实行的高度专业性和国际性也为校友们开辟了广阔的国际职业前景。
维也纳MODUL大学 (Modul University Vienna | http://www.modul.ac.at/)
位于维也纳的山顶一所私立大学; 由于大学的国际化定位,大学所有课程均完全使用英语教授。提供工商管理主修旅游及活动筹划管理、酒店管理及营运、环球商业管理、国际市场学及创业与领导才能; 理学士主修环球商业管理、国际市场学 、创业与领导才能、商业心理学及应用数据科学(大数据); 管理学硕士、国际旅游管理硕士及可持续发展硕士。学士学位学费为每年
13, 845 欧元; 硕士为每年10,384 欧元。申请者可享有高达三千欧元的预缴优惠。
弗洛伊德大学 (Sigmund Freud University | http://www.sfu.ac.at/en/)
维也纳应用科技大学(University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien | www.technikum-wien.at/en/)
提供12 个学士学位和 18 个硕士学位课程,以全日制、非全日制和/或远程学习课程的形式提供,是奥地利唯一一所纯粹的应用科学技术大学。以德语或英语教授的大学预科课程, 全期学费为 8,200 至13,000 欧元。完成预科课程更可直入他们的大学, 每年学费只需726.72 欧元。
維也納新城應用科技大學 (University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt | www.fhwn.ac.at/en/)
提供英语教授的国际商业咨询学士及硕士课程; 每年学费为1,453.44 欧元; 硕士则为 726.72欧元。此校国际化,学生来自全球八十个国家,大学在商业的网络甚广,有实习项目联系公司以及其他各国连系大学,全球共超过一百合作伙伴单位。
Find out more about six Austrian education providers and learn about their programmes during the recorded webinar dated May 18, 2022.
During the webinar, general information about “Study in Austria” was presented. Each Austrian institution also introduced their programmes. Watch the recorded webinar.
Programme & Presentation Rundown
Min 0:00 – 2:24 WELCOME – Franz Rössler, Austrian Trade Commissioner for Hong Kong
2:25 – 13:33 Robert Pichler, Program Director (Business Consultancy International) of University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt
13:34 – 26:23 Christina Karafiat-Seitz, Course Assistant Pre-College Program of University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
26:24 – 34:39 Simon Tjoa, Course Director, University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten
34:40 – 42:40 Wei Wang, Project Manager of MCI China Centre of MCI Management Center Innsbruck
42:41 – 54:40 Thomas Lammel, Senior Program Manager of Central European University
54:41 – 1:00:55Yvonne Choi, Market Officer of Advantage Austria presenting on behalf of IMUK Graz
For an overview of the 6 Schools, and Universities represented CLICK HERE, or check below:
Central European University
With the opening of its Vienna campus, CEU is launching its Executive MBA with US & EU accreditation. This MBA is taught by faculty from the world’s top universities such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT and INSEAD. The CEU Executive MBA for the Open World is a mid-career management program for professionals with at least 8 years of experience.
IMUK Graz is a Music Academy located in Graz, the second largest city in Austria, and is a music school founded by a Taiwanese couple and recognized by the European Union. For more than ten years, it has assisted countless students to go to Austria for further studies and to play music.
MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®
MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® combines science and business in a unique concept in the alpine metropolis Innsbruck: international lecturers and experts, a worldwide network and countless services offer students an unforgettable study experience and excellent career prospects.
University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
The University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien is Austria’s only purely technical university of applied sciences. Their educational selection consists of 12 bachelor’s and 18 master’s degree programmes, which are offered as full-time, part-time and/or distance study programmes. Four-degree programmes are taught in English.
University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt
As Lower Austria's largest University of Applied Sciences and one of the country's top educational institutions, focuses on practice-oriented education, international networking and innovative research work.
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences is a key player in the Austrian higher education sector and one of the most important employers in the region. Their university distinguishes themselves through its future-oriented and steadily growing number of study programmes, strong interdisciplinary collaboration and its research focus.
Watch the recorded webinar.
Austrian schools and universities offer an increasingly broad range of educational opportunities for international students. More and more courses are taught in English. Nine leading Austrian universities and schools presented their programmes to study in Austria during a webinar in mandarin on November 10th and a hybrid event at the ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA office on November 13th.
Overview: To find out more about all 9 Austrian schools and universities go to our Virtual Platform
After the presentations attendees had the opportunity to speak with representatives (in person or through video calls) in 10-minute 1-on-1 sessions.
Programme & Presentation Rundown
14:30 - 15:00 Registration
15:00 - 15:30 Welcome and general introduction about "Study in Austria"
15:30 - 15:40 IMUK Graz (in person)
15:40 - 15:50 Modul University Vienna (in person)
15:50 - 16:00 Break
16:00 - 16:10 AMADEUS International School Vienna (in person)
16:10 - 16:20 IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems
16:20 - 16:30 MCI The Entrepreneurial School®
16:30 - 16:40 Sigmund Freud University
16:40 - 16:50 University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
16:50 - 17:00 Webster Vienna Private University
17:00 - 17:10 University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt
16:00 - 18:00 hrs Individual Meetings / conduct an initial admission interview with an Austrian education representative (10 mins each)
Schools and Universities presenting:
AMADEUS International School Vienna
AMADEUS International School Vienna is a unique day and boarding IB World school with an integrated Music and Arts Academy. Amadeus offers a distinctive blend of rigorous academics, an innovative music and arts education, and a culturally diverse and multilingual experience enhanced by optional boarding in superior facilities.
IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems
The University of Applied Sciences stand for a pioneering, open-minded, and appreciative approach. IMC Krems currently offers 16 bachelor and 11 master degree programmes, as well as 4 continuing education courses – about 40% of programmes are taught in English.
IMUK Graz is a Music Academy located in Graz, the second largest city in Austria.. A music school founded by a Taiwanese couple and recognized by the European Union. For more than ten years, it has assisted countless students to go to Austria for further studies and to play music.
MCI | The Enterpreneurial School®
MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® combines science and business in a unique concept: international lecturers and experts, a worldwide network and countless services offer students an unforgettable study experience and excellent career prospects.
Modul University Vienna
Modul University Vienna (MU) is an internationally-oriented organization for research and education on tourism, sustainable development, new media technology, and public governance.
Sigmund Freud University
Sigmund Freud University in Vienna pioneered the study of Psychotherapy Science as an academic degree. This program approaches Psychotherapy by emphasizing research activities, practical training, and academic exchange among different psychotherapy schools. Sigmund Freud University is one of the only academic institutions in the world, where Psychotherapy is taught at an undergraduate level.
University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
The University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien is Austria’s only purely technical university of applied sciences. Their educational selection consist of 12 bachelor’s and 18 master’s degree programmes, which are offered as full-time, part-time and/or distance study programmes. Four degree programmes are taught in English.
Webster Vienna Private University
Webster University in Vienna, ensures high quality learning experiences that transform students for global citizenship and individual excellence. A degree from Webster Vienna is accredited in both the USA and Austria, and recognized everywhere in the world.
University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt
As Lower Austria's largest University of Applied Sciences and one of the country's top educational institutions, focuses on practice-oriented education, international networking and innovative research work.
Watch the recorded seminar.
Learn more about the offer of 9 private Austrian Schools and Universities, watch short videos, download brochures at our online platform.
Austrian schools and universities offers an increasingly broad range of educational opportunities for international students starting. More and more courses are taught in English. In the webinar “Study in Austria” recorded on Oct. 20, 2020 nine leading Austrian universities, schools and education agents presented their programmes to study in Austria.
Overview: To see all 9 Austrian schools and universities from the webinar watch this video.
Schools and Universities presenting:
AMADEUS International School Vienna
AMADEUS International School Vienna is a unique day and boarding IB World school with an integrated Music and Arts Academy. Amadeus offers a distinctive blend of rigorous academics, an innovative music and arts education, and a culturally diverse and multilingual experience enhanced by optional boarding in superior facilities.
IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems
The University of Applied Sciences stand for a pioneering, open-minded, and appreciative approach. IMC Krems currently offers 16 bachelor and 11 master degree programmes, as well as 4 continuing education courses – about 40% of programmes are taught in English.
Modul University Vienna
Modul University Vienna (MU) is an internationally-oriented organization for research and education on tourism, sustainable development, new media technology, and public governance.
University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten
The St. Pölten UAS LLC is locally anchored, globally connected and stands for future-oriented academic education in the subject areas of economics, media & digital technologies,computer science & security, rail technology & mobility and health sciences, and social sciences.
University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
The University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien is Austria’s only purely technical university of applied sciences. The educational offerings consist of 12 bachelor’s and 18 master’s degree programmes, which are offered as full-time, part-time and/or distance study programmes. Four degree programmes are taught in English.
Webster Vienna Private University
Webster University, ensures high quality learning experiences that transform students for global citizenship and individual excellence. A degree from Webster Vienna is accredited in both the USA and Austria, and recognized everywhere in the world.
University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt
As Lower Austria's largest University of Applied Sciences and one of the country's top educational institutions, focuses on practice-oriented education, international networking and innovative research work.
VIA Service Ltd & Co KG
VIA Service helps to fulfill requirements, take care of the paperwork and make the transition period for international students pursuing studies in Austria as smooth as possible.
Chinazentrum für Sprache und Kultur
The Austrian Integration Fund authorized Baihe – Chinazentrum für Sprache und Kultur, a language training institution specialized in “German courses for Chinese”, as the official partner and being authorized by the Austrian Language Certificate (ÖSD – Austria, Switzerland, Germany) to become an examination center.
Find more details on the institutes.
For information on Austrian Public Schools and Universities please contact: OeAD Cooperation Office Shanghai
OeAD - Austrian Center Shanghai
Fudan University
220 Han Dan Lu| Guang Hua Lou| Dong Fu Lou # 602
200433 Shanghai | P.R. China
Contact: Ms Alexandra Wagner
T +86 21 6564 2112
E shanghai@oead.at
W https://studyinaustria.at/en/
Your contact point for information on Austrian Private Schools and Universities in Hong Kong:
If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us:
13/F, Diamond Exchange Bldg.
8-10 Duddell Street
Hong Kong
Ms Yvonne Choi
T +852 2522 2388
E hongkong@advantageaustria.org
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